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A Comprehensive Guide to Search Engine Optimization Translation (SEO) Translation


A Comprehensive Guide to Search Engine Optimization Translation (SEO) Translation - Macevergreen

According to Internet World Stats, just around a quarter of online users speak English, and more than half of Google searches are conducted in languages other than English. When a website has SEO translation, it implies that a brand can be understood in various languages and that it can reach a worldwide audience.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is an important part of every company's marketing strategy, big or small. Website optimization increases traffic to a firm's goods and services while also increasing brand awareness. We'll go over what SEO is and how to use it to reach over 120 languages in this post.


What Is Search Engine Optimization Translation and How Does It Work?

Language is no longer a barrier to a global market, and SEO translation has allowed every nation to participate. For example, between 2000 and 2011, the number of Arabic internet users climbed by 2501.2 percent, compared to just 301.4 percent for English users.

The internet is a worldwide marketplace, and if a company's website is only accessible in one language, it will lose out on foreign opportunities. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a method for getting your website to the top of search engine results pages. SEO translation transforms your website's content into other languages in a way that is search engine friendly.

A worldwide audience will locate your site and items if you create a bilingual website and optimize your translated content for SEO.

Staying competitive in a market is an important part of an international SEO strategy, and you can bet your rivals have already translated and optimized their sites. SEO translation, on the other hand, necessitates the use of a competent translator who is also familiar with SEO strategies.

Not only must the translation consider human readers, but also how to produce a page that search engine algorithms will locate quickly. Keywords, titles, expressions, tags, script messages like snippets, and other tools that increase a website's searchability are examples of good SEO approaches. When a page is searched in its native language, it may perform well, but when the titles are translated into the target language, it may lose its capacity to rank consistently.

Although keywords are vital in SEO, translating an English title that is full of high-ranking keywords into another language may cause the title to lose its SEO value. In the new linguistic context, the keywords are no longer valid. The translator must translate the keywords into the new language in a manner that is search engine friendly.

Consider a corporation that publishes a blog about "how to salsa dance." That blog will reach a large number of English speakers, but many individuals are looking for other languages who would enjoy reading it. A user searching in Spanish for "Aprender a Bailar salsa" can come to your site thanks to SEO translation. "How to salsa dance" receives 10,000 monthly searches, while "how to salsa dance" receives 2,000. Your website's traffic grew by 20% after you translated the blog into Spanish.


What Is the Importance of Multilingual SEO Translation?

While standard SEO tactics may help you achieve top Google results, native language SEO strategies enable you to target multiple languages and nations. When a website is available in various languages, it reaches a wider global audience and achieves high rankings in certain countries. All of this increases traffic to your website and puts your brand in the spotlight.

Users searching in Chinese will be able to locate your site and your items if you translate your English material to Chinese. Multilingual search engine optimization, at its heart, makes it simple for the rest of the world to locate you and your company. The user experience increases and your new clients feel good about purchasing your products or services if your brand appeals to local culture, whether it includes currency, cultural distinctions, or even colors.

Visitors will remain on your site longer if they have a positive user experience. This lowers your bounce rate and informs Google that you have excellent content. With Google's ever-changing algorithm, a user's experience is taken into account, which means that translating your content and optimizing for multilingual SEO will help users locate your site and increase traffic.


Translation Tips for SEO

It's a good idea to prepare ahead before launching a great SEO strategy. Here are some suggestions for making your website a multilingual attraction.


Do It Properly

It's critical to execute SEO translation properly, otherwise, your rankings may suffer. Make sure you use a translation company that knows all there is to know about SEO. If you're thinking about SEO translation, now is a fantastic moment to rebuild or relaunch your website. This enables you to concentrate on information that needs to be updated while also ensuring that you're utilizing the most up-to-date English content.

Even if you hire a third party to assist you, remember that translating your website into a second language will increase the amount of time you spend updating it. You'll also need to construct separate versions of the site for each language in which you want to provide content. If you have a blog, you'll also need a version translation.

It's a good idea to start with a stripped-down version of the site that just has the most essential features. You may always extend the site later when you have more time, and it will be simpler to finish.



Before you translate, do some study. Before being translated into another language, keywords must be updated. Every language, including words, beliefs, and colloquialisms, has its unique style of communicating. Because literal translations will not come out the same way they do in English, review the results with your translator.

Examine each page and determine which keywords are more useful in the new language, then prioritize them in the translation. Selecting the most effective SEO phrases might be aided by a reputable translation service. You should also make sure that the translator is competent in the target language so that you get all of the words and tones accurately.


For Titles, SEO Translation

While translating the major text, you'll also translate SEO titles and meta descriptions. This improves the translated content's search engine ranking. These are significant since they are the results of a Google search. Both the titles and the meta description should include the target keyword.


Keyword Research in the Language of the Destination

Do some thorough study on what people are looking for after you finish the keyword research in the primary content, and don't assume people will search for the exact literal translation of the initial target keyword. You want to find those search phrases in all of the languages you use. If your keyword research tool doesn't offer keyword research in various languages, check out KWFinder or Ahrefs.


Utilize A Human Reviewer

Machine translation is the quickest option to have a translation done, but if you're looking for SEO translation, you should choose translation services using a human translator. Google will not accept content that has been translated by a computer without human inspection. Machine-translated content should always be reviewed by a human. You're already examining your site when it comes to titles, slugs, and other material, but get a second opinion from a translator.

Machine translation services will save you time and money in your process, and the stages are as follows:

Your basic template translation is generated by a machine translation provider.

Get a person to go over the baseline translation and fix any mistakes, then optimize the text with the best focus keyword. Find a translation service that uses a human SEO translator in addition to machine translation.


Translate URL Slugs For SEO

Along with SEO titles and descriptions, an expert SEO translator will also translate the URL slugs. These are the words that follow the domain name, such as salsa.Com/howtodancesalsaon2. The kind immediately after salsa.Com is your whole slug, and it must be translated along with everything else. This gives search engines and humans valuable information about the page's content. Your major target keyword should be planted in the URL slug.

Avoid relying only on machine translation.

Google suggests employing your site's robots if you utilize automated translations.

To prevent search engines from crawling the automatically translated text, create a.txt file. Because automatic translations often include mistakes and don't make sense to Google, the material may be misinterpreted as spam. Manual review or having a human translator check the text after machine translation is the best option. This will ensure that your content is error-free and Google-friendly.


Translation Techniques For Multilingual SEO

While the SEO translation guidelines help improve your content, there are some more multilingual SEO secrets worth revealing. These will assist you in achieving first-page rankings for your translated content.

Create a multilingual XML sitemap. A multilingual sitemap is comparable to your original XML sitemap, but it enables Google to travel through all of your translated versions of your content.

Make use of the Hreflang tag. The hreflang element tells Google the language and location to connect with each piece of content, ensuring that the correct version of the website gets ranked for each language.

For each language, create an indexable URL. Google needs to be able to crawl each language on your site quickly, therefore making it easy for her to do so. Creating a subdirectory for each language and keeping all material about that language site in that folder is an excellent idea. This will help you stay organized from the start, which is particularly crucial if you have or plan to have various language sites. Keep them in folders since there is a lot of information.


Final Thoughts

Applying SEO translations in many languages might be time-consuming, but the benefits of a well-done multilingual SEO translation greatly exceed the effort. This expands your market to include a wider range of cultural markets, as well as increasing traffic and revenue.

A reputable translation service, such as Tomedes, knows how to identify the proper SEO phrases while also providing the most accurate translations available. What languages are we able to communicate with you in? 



Thanks for reading A Comprehensive Guide to Search Engine Optimization Translation (SEO) Translation

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